Home Inspecton Services
Red Roof Home Inspections offers friendly and professional home inspection services to the greater Triad area. We take our work seriously, treat our customers honestly, and adhere to North Carolina’s strict Standards of Practice for home inspectors.
Buyer’s Inspection
We thoroughly evaluate a home from top-to-bottom, providing home-buyers with a clear picture of what kind of condition the property is in to help facilitate a more protected investment. We provide a detailed inspection report within 24 hours.
We inspect most visible and readily accessible components, including:
Roofing System (including gutters & downspouts)
Foundation & Crawl Space
Structural Components
Exterior (doors, windows, cladding)
Interior (door, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, stairs
Attic, Insulation, & Ventilation
Electrical System
Plumbing System
Heating & Cooling System
Built-in Appliances
Additional Inspection Services

Radon Testing
To help ensure that your home’s indoor air quality hasn’t become dangerous due to radon contamination, we offer this testing service. We’ll use state-of-the-art equipment to measure radon levels in the home, recommending radon mitigation as necessary depending on the results.

Pre-Listing Inspection
This is an inspection service that we offer to our clients who are in the beginning process of trying to sell a home. We can comprehensively inspect the property before it is listed, giving you a complete report that will detail what you may want to consider repairing or improving before prospective buyers are brought into the home. Even if you choose not to make improvements, you may want to share the information you’ve learned with any interested buyers so that negotiations don’t become complicated when their own inspector brings the issues to light.

Home Maintenance Inspection
This inspection service is all about identifying a home’s existing maintenance needs. We’ll investigate each accessible room and component inside the home, as well as the exterior areas of the property. After taking careful note of areas of the home that are in need of improvement, we’ll report back to you with our findings and help guide you through the most pressing home maintenance tasks.

New Construction Inspection
We can also investigate the condition of new home construction. This needs to be scheduled before the builder’s final walkthrough, leaving time for you to re-negotiate possible repairs or other attention that needs to be given to the home based on our findings.

As a follow-up to a full home inspection, you can request for us to return to the property after the seller has notified you that repairs have been finished. When we return, we’ll look over the repair work, determining whether or not the repairs are correct and completed in full.
Tools & Technology
Moisture meters, carbon monoxide detectors, digital temperature meters, and Corenthium continuous radon monitors, will be used during the inspection as necessary to help us diagnose certain suspected defects.

Weekend appointments are available
Home inspection pricing varies depending on the age and size of the home.
At Red Roof Home Inspections, we work hard to inform our clients, detailing the positive qualities in a home’s construction and revealing possible deficiencies to help ensure that it’s all smooth sailing by the time you officially become a new homeowner. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
We accept online payments